What happens when you run out of cord in the middle of making macrame?
JULI, 13 September 2023
Hello Friend,
Lately I’ve been busy working on a nice macrame table runner that I will use in our camper van. It’s a small table so it doesn’t need anything extra, just something that gives a little bit of tender loving care (TLC) to the place. Our camper van is actually quite a senior one - only in the world of vehicles of course, she turns 23 this year, so it was time to freshen up her interior. But I’ll write another post about how I made the table runner later.
While I was knotting the table runner though I ran into a problem. Even though I was using evenly cut cords somehow 2 of them got a lot shorter than the others way before I was finished. This is so annoying, I always try to overestimate the cord length to avoid adding more on the go but still sometimes this happens.
So what to do when you run out of macrame cord in the middle of your project?
First, don’t panic. It’s easy to add another cord.

Second, get that new cord and fold it in half, so that you have double cords and try to find a spot in your project where you have a lot going on. It’s easier this way because you’ll have to tuck in the short endings and it’s better if you have knots around where you can do this. I personally always try to add the new cords around square knots, simply because they can “hide” the short endings better.
Once you have the new cords, put them behind the short ones and from now on these new cords will act instead of the short ones. You can set aside the short ones and create a new square knot with the neighboring 2 cords.
Turn around the piece and use a needle to thread the short cords into the closest square knot. This will not be seen from the front so don’t worry.
Cut the endings, then turn it back and voilá.
You just added new cords to your macrame piece. Now you can continue with your pattern without a problem.
To watch all the above in practice, check this video.
Happy Knotting!